Have you ever felt a reluctance to head out onto the track or even climb on a treadmill? Do you put off going to the gym, despite telling yourself over and over that this is the year? Are you frustrated every time you enter the exercise section of your local department store?

Most importantly: is the problem your breasts? If so, you’re not alone. Many women have difficulty finding the right bra size that offers comfort and fit, making exercise painful, distressing and even embarrassing.

In fact, evidence indicates that ill-fitting bras have been linked to a reluctance towards exercise, which isn’t ideal. Exercise is critical for heart function, longevity, warding off disease, improving sleep and mood, enhancing libido, and more.

Luckily, the answer is easier than you think. One study suggests that “The reported relationship between breast pain and fitness/activity levels may offer an alternative treatment in the form of exercise intervention strategies to reduce breast pain.” In plain English, getting a bra that fits and stopping the girls from bouncing around may be just the ticket to encourage you to lace up those running shoes a bit more often.

Additional studies indicate a similar lack of breast education in the younger populations as well, often driving teen girls out of sports. This makes it even more imperative that adult women set a good example by finding a bra that fits and promotes exercise today.

Want to know more and get the help you need finding the right bra size that works for you? Talk to the experts at Avant Gynecology, Atlanta’s GYN and Surgical Specialists. We serve patients at Piedmont Hospital in Buckhead and Northside Hospital, and are happy to help you find a bra solution that leads to greater comfort both on the field, track or treadmill…and in everyday life.

Walk into the feminine product aisle at a store of your choosing and you’ll find all kinds of flowery-label products claiming to be just what you need to keep your delicate areas clean. Yet, is all of that really necessary to keep your vaginal area clean? Here are a few best practices you should know to keep your vagina clean.

Steer Clear of Heavily Scented Feminine Washes

Things down below really should not smell like roses, daisies, and perfume. Your vagina naturally has a scent that happens as a result of the ongoing cleansing process it does all by itself. This odor is normal, so trying to cover it up could cause more harm than good. Ladies who rely on heavily scented feminine washes can be more prone to problems like urinary and yeast infections because the fragrances irritate the delicate balance in their vaginal area.

Be Careful of How you Wash and Clean your Vaginal Area

Cleaning your vagina should be a gentle process and one that takes place outside of your vagina and not inside. Using douches and other feminine hygiene products to clean out the inside of the vagina can cause some major problems. Your body does this for itself, so there’s no need to introduce something foreign to keep the area clean.

Plain-jane Water is Usually the Safest Bet

It sounds crazy to a lot of females, but the truth of the matter is just plain old water usually does the best job of keeping your vagina clean. Water is not acidic and does not contain ingredients that could disrupt the pH balance inside your body. Water will also not kill off the good bacteria down there that keeps everything harmonious.

Overall, your vaginal area should stay fairly clean on its own without a lot of products or extras beyond water. If you have issues with feminine odor, it could be a sign that something else is wrong. Reach out to us at Avant Gynecology to schedule an appointment.

Avant Gynecology serves patients at two locations: Piedmont Hospital in Buckhead and Northside Hospital. Our mission at Avant Gynecology is to provide exceptional, compassionate care to women at every stage of their lives. Our providers strive to be at the forefront of knowledge and skill in the fields of women’s health and gynecologic surgery, so our patients can get the best care possible. Avant provides state-of-the-art surgery services and comprehensive gynecologic care, such as annual exams, diagnostic and screening tests; a full range of contraceptive options; specialized services such as bio-identical hormone therapy, hormone pellets, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation, and more.

Missing your period can be enough to induce stress, but did you know that high-stress levels can also be the root cause of a missed period? Every female has some level of stress, and to some extent, stress can cause us to work harder to accomplish things. Yet, too much stress can actually take a toll on your body and reproductive system. Learn how stress impacts your cycle below.

High-Stress Levels Can Cause Your Period to Stop Completely

Secondary amenorrhea is a condition in which your periods completely stop, and this can be caused by stress levels that are far too high. When you are under considerable levels of stress, it affects the brain’s ability to regulate and help produce the proper hormone levels in the body. Unfortunately, without the proper hormone levels, you may have no menstrual cycle at all.

Irregularities Are Common for Women with a Lot of Stress

Even if you do not stop having menstruation completely, your body may still try to tell you that it is under too much stress. You may have issues with things like:

  • Intermittent bleeding between your cycles
  • Delayed periods or skipped periods
  • Lighter or heavier periods than usual

Of course, these issues can have a lot of other causes, such as pregnancy or ovarian cysts, so it is important to talk to your doctor so they can do the proper screenings.

Getting Your Cycle Back to Normal

First and foremost, keep lines of communication open with your gynecologist if you suspect stress is causing hormonal interruptions in your body. With the proper diagnosis, your gynecologist will work with you to find ways to better maintain stress levels. If necessary, they may temporarily give you hormone replacement medications to help get your cycle back on track. Reach out to Avant Gynecology if you need to schedule an appointment to find our How stress impacts your cycle.

Avant Gynecology serves patients at two locations: Piedmont Hospital in Buckhead and Northside Hospital. Our mission at Avant Gynecology is to provide exceptional, compassionate care to women at every stage of their lives. Our providers strive to be at the forefront of knowledge and skill in the fields of women’s health and gynecologic surgery, so our patients can get the best care possible. Avant provides state-of-the-art surgery services and comprehensive gynecologic care, such as annual exams, diagnostic and screening tests; a full range of contraceptive options; specialized services such as bio-identical hormone therapy, hormone pellets, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation, and more.

Females have curves, and sometimes, it is fun to show them off with clothing that hugs the natural curvature of the body and highlights your shape. However, some types of tight-fitting clothing can actually be hard on you. Check out some of the often unknown dangers of tight-fitting clothing for women.

Skin Irritation

Clothing that is too tight can cause problems with skin irritation, especially in areas where the skin is more sensitive, such as around your bikini line, under your breasts, or under your arms. Tight panties, bras, and even tops and pants can rub your skin and cause chafing, redness, and irritation. If the skin is repeatedly irritated, it can lead to infections. Skin irritation can also come from lack of breathability. For example, moisture can be more prevalent around your feminine areas if your tight clothing is preventing air flow, which can contribute to infections.

Circulatory Interruption

If your clothing is too tight in certain areas, it can reduce blood flow to other areas of your body. For instance, if you wear jeans that are way too snug around the waist, it can reduce blood flow to your lower extremities. While this problem short-term would not be a major problem or health threat, it could prove risky for long periods and it is definitely not healthy.

Stomach Problems

Wearing clothing that is extremely tight against your stomach can cause a certain level of gastrointestinal upset. If your pants are too tight, for example, it can push stomach acid back up through the esophagus and cause uncomfortable symptoms of acid reflux.

Though it’s important to dress in a way that makes you feel confident and comfortable, take care to make sure looking good is not causing health concerns. If you have any more questions about the dangers of tight clothing for women, reach out to us at Avant Gynecology to discuss the risks of tight clothing further.

Avant Gynecology serves patients at two locations: Piedmont Hospital in Buckhead and Northside Hospital. Our mission at Avant Gynecology is to provide exceptional, compassionate care to women at every stage of their lives. Our providers strive to be at the forefront of knowledge and skill in the fields of women’s health and gynecologic surgery, so our patients can get the best care possible. Avant provides state-of-the-art surgery services and comprehensive gynecologic care, such as annual exams, diagnostic and screening tests; a full range of contraceptive options; specialized services such as bio-identical hormone therapy, hormone pellets, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation, and more.

A lot of women experience irregular menstrual bleeding from the time they hit puberty. Some women naturally develop irregularities as they get older. In all truth, irregular menstrual bleeding is a pretty common female thing. However, there are some situations when you should seek the help of a professional for advice about the problem.

You’re experiencing new or severe pelvic pain.

If you have irregular bleeding in between periods or you bleed longer than your usual cycle, and that bleeding is accompanied by new or severe pelvic pain, it is best to get an appointment with your gynecologist. Even though there can be a simple cause of these symptoms, the pelvic pain can be indicative of problems like fibroids, endometriosis, or other issues.

You’re bleeding much heavier than you normally do.

Blood loss greater than 80 milliliters each cycle. How do you judge how much is too much? Most doctors will want to know how often you have to change a sanitary pad or tampon to judge if you are losing too much blood. A general guideline is to seek help if you are having 16 soaked sanitary products during the course of your period.

You’re finding large blood clots in the blood.

Small blood clots are common, but if you have larger clots of more than an inch in diameter, it could be a sign that something is wrong. Your body creates clots to try and stop bleeding, so larger clots can mean your bleeding is far too heavy. Additionally, the clots can be relative to other issues.

Overall, it is best to trust your instincts about irregular bleeding. If you feel like something is wrong, don’t hesitate to get professional advice. Reach out to us at Avant Gynecology for more information.

Avant Gynecology serves patients at two locations: Piedmont Hospital in Buckhead and Northside Hospital. Our mission at Avant Gynecology is to provide exceptional, compassionate care to women at every stage of their lives. Our providers strive to be at the forefront of knowledge and skill in the fields of women’s health and gynecologic surgery, so our patients can get the best care possible. Avant provides state-of-the-art surgery services and comprehensive gynecologic care, such as annual exams, diagnostic and screening tests; a full range of contraceptive options; specialized services such as bio-identical hormone therapy, hormone pellets, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation, and more.

What are hormone pellets?

Bio-identical hormone pellets are obtained in various strengths of estradiol and testosterone from a highly rated commercially licensed compounding pharmacy. The hormones are derived from an ingredient found in many vegetables including yams and soybeans. The hormones are pressed or fused into very small solid cylinders that are smaller than a grain of rice and smaller than a ‘tic tac.’

Why pellets?

Pellets deliver consistent levels of hormones for 4-6 months. They avoid the fluctuations of hormone levels seen with other methods of delivery. In studies, compared to conventional hormone replacement therapy, pellets have been shown to be superior for relief of menopausal symptoms, maintenance of bone density, restoration of sleep patterns, and improvement in sex drive, libido, sexual response.

Many patients who fail other types of hormone therapy find a high success with hormone pellets. There is no other method of hormone delivery that is as convenient for the patient as pellets. Pellets have been used in both men and women since the late 1930s.

How are pellets inserted?

The insertion of pellets is a simple, relatively painless procedure done under local anesthesia. The pellets are usually inserted in the upper buttocks in a small incision, which is then covered with a small bandage or steri-strips. The experience of the health care professional matters a great deal, not only in the placement of pellets, but also in determining the correct dosage of hormones to be used.

Interested in learning more about hormone pellets? Reach out to us at Avant Gynecology for an appointment.

Avant Gynecology serves patients at two locations: Piedmont Hospital in Buckhead and Northside Hospital. Our mission at Avant Gynecology is to provide exceptional, compassionate care to women at every stage of their lives. Our providers strive to be at the forefront of knowledge and skill in the fields of women’s health and gynecologic surgery, so our patients can get the best care possible. Avant provides state-of-the-art surgery services and comprehensive gynecologic care, such as annual exams, diagnostic and screening tests; a full range of contraceptive options; specialized services such as bio-identical hormone therapy, hormone pellets, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation, and more.

The holidays have come to a close and you are facing the beginning of an entirely new year. As a woman, there are probably a lot of New Year’s resolutions floating around in your mind. Maybe you want to achieve your goal weight or take more time for you, but there is one other resolution that should be a top priority: seeing a gynecologist (GYN) for a checkup if you’ve never been. Here is a look at some of the reasons finding a GYN should be a top resolution on your list.

Get the latest info on things that affect your health as a woman.

Gynecologists receive consistent news about things that affect women’s health. For example, when there is new information about things that can increase the risk of ovarian cancer, doctors in the field are given information so they can effectively warn patients. By never going to a GYN, you will likely miss out on a lot of information that could affect your health.

Avoid risks associated with female diseases and illnesses.

As a female, there are naturally-occurring illnesses and diseases that you will need to be monitored for. By getting regular checkups with a GYN, you are automatically lowering your risks of developing these diseases and not knowing. Things like pap tests, breast exams, and general observation can help catch signs of things like cervical cancer, endometriosis, and breast cancer.

Keep your reproductive system in good health.

If you’ve not had children, but someday plan to, seeing a GYN regularly is the best way to make sure there is nothing going on that would affect your fertility down the road. Even if you have already had children, the health of your reproductive system plays a giant role in your overall health as a female.

Make it your priority this new year by finding a GYN and keep your health in check. Reach out to us at Avant Gynecology to make an appointment. 

Avant Gynecology serves patients at two locations: Piedmont Hospital in Buckhead and Northside Hospital. Our mission at Avant Gynecology is to provide exceptional, compassionate care to women at every stage of their lives. Our providers strive to be at the forefront of knowledge and skill in the fields of women’s health and gynecologic surgery, so our patients can get the best care possible. Avant provides state-of-the-art surgery services and comprehensive gynecologic care, such as annual exams, diagnostic and screening tests; a full range of contraceptive options; specialized services such as bio-identical hormone therapy, hormone pellets, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation, and more.

Exploratory surgeries are utilized every day in modern medicine to help doctors diagnose sometimes hidden medical issues. The hysteroscopy is an example of a type of exploratory surgery that is performed on women who are having certain symptoms. Take a look at this blog to learn more about this procedure and what you should know as a female gynecological patient.

What Exactly Is a Hysteroscopy?

A hysteroscopy is a procedure performed with a very thin, lighted scope that the doctor inserts through the cervix and into your uterus. The uterus is usually filled with fluid to expand it and give doctors a better look using the scope. If you are having an operative hysteroscopy, the surgeon will insert small tools through the hysteroscope to make repairs while inside.

Why Would a Hysteroscopy Be Performed?

Hysteroscopies are most often performed if a patient is having abnormal bleeding to diagnose the problem. However, the procedure can also be performed for other reasons, such as if a female is having issues with fertility and it is suspected there is something inside the uterus that is creating problems or as an operative procedure to remove abnormal growth.

What Conditions Can Be Diagnosed or Treated?

There are multiple conditions that can be diagnosed and sometimes treated with a hysteroscopy, including:

  • For the removal of polyps and fibroids
  • To diagnose and remove uterine adhesions
  • For the diagnosis of uterine septum
  • To better understand abnormal uterine bleeding

Overall, the hysteroscopy is a valuable gynecological procedure that can be used to help women with a range of symptoms find out what is going on inside their bodies. If you would like to learn more about a hysteroscopy, reach out to us at Avant Gynecology for professional advice.

Avant Gynecology serves patients at two locations: Piedmont Hospital in Buckhead and Northside Hospital. Our mission at Avant Gynecology is to provide exceptional, compassionate care to women at every stage of their lives. Our providers strive to be at the forefront of knowledge and skill in the fields of women’s health and gynecologic surgery, so our patients can get the best care possible. Avant provides state-of-the-art surgery services and comprehensive gynecologic care, such as annual exams, diagnostic and screening tests; a full range of contraceptive options; specialized services such as bio-identical hormone therapy, hormone pellets, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation, and more.

On Sunday, November 4, Dr. Lynley Durrett and Dr. Obiamaka Mora of Avant Gynecology were guests on “The Weekly Check-Up Atlanta,” a healthcare-focused radio show airing every Sunday on AM 750 and NOW 95.5 FM News/Talk WSB.

On the show, Drs. Durrett and Mora discussed issues related to women’s health, such as infertility treatments, vaginal rejuvenation, and more.

You can listen to the full show on “The Weekly Check-Up Atlanta” website.

Avant Gynecology serves patients at two locations: Piedmont Hospital in Buckhead and Northside Hospital. Our mission at Avant Gynecology is to provide exceptional, compassionate care to women at every stage of their lives. Our providers strive to be at the forefront of knowledge and skill in the fields of women’s health and gynecologic surgery, so our patients can get the best care possible. Avant provides state-of-the-art surgery services and comprehensive gynecologic care, such as annual exams, diagnostic and screening tests; a full range of contraceptive options; specialized services such as bio-identical hormone therapy, hormone pellets, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation, and more.

Many women quietly suffer from a female condition known as Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a hormonal issue that causes an abnormal collection of fluid in the ovaries, sporadic or non-existent egg release, and irregular menstrual bleeding or cycles. Dealing with this condition can be a challenge, but the first step to learning how to cope is proper diagnosis. 

Common Signs of PCOS

The signs and symptoms that any one woman experiences can be different from the next, which makes PCOS a little difficult to diagnose in some cases. Most of the time, a female will start to have some symptoms that something is wrong around the time she first begins her menstrual cycle as an adolescent. However, the condition can also show up later in life. The three primary signs a doctor will use to make a diagnosis of PCOS include:

  • Excess androgen hormones in the system, which can cause excessive hair growth or acne
  • Irregular periods, sometimes going more than 35 days without having a period
  • Polycystic ovaries that often fail to function properly 

Dealing with the Symptoms

Dealing with the symptoms can be a challenge. Not only can you be dealing with unreasonably painful periods or prolonged bleeding, but some women also report having problems with mood swings, severe PMS symptoms, and depression. Left untreated, PCOS can cause issues with fertility and elevate risks of liver disease and type 2 diabetes. While there is no cure for the condition, your gynecologist can help by offering progestin therapy to stabilize hormones, birth control to normalize periods, and various other treatments to target the specific problems you are experiencing. 

Even though living with PCOS can be hard, your gynecologist can help you come up with a plan of treatment. Reach out to Avant Gynecology for an appointment to discuss any symptoms you have been experiencing. 

Avant Gynecology serves patients at two locations: Piedmont Hospital in Buckhead and Northside Hospital. Our mission at Avant Gynecology is to provide exceptional, compassionate care to women at every stage of their lives. Our providers strive to be at the forefront of knowledge and skill in the fields of women’s health and gynecologic surgery, so our patients can get the best care possible. Avant provides state-of-the-art surgery services and comprehensive gynecologic care, such as annual exams, diagnostic and screening tests; a full range of contraceptive options; specialized services such as bio-identical hormone therapy, hormone pellets, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation, and more.