3 Reasons to Make Finding a GYN a Priority New Year’s Resolution

woman talking with gynecologist, taking care of her new year's resolution of finding a GYN.

The holidays have come to a close and you are facing the beginning of an entirely new year. As a woman, there are probably a lot of New Year’s resolutions floating around in your mind. Maybe you want to achieve your goal weight or take more time for you, but there is one other resolution that should be a top priority: seeing a gynecologist (GYN) for a checkup if you’ve never been. Here is a look at some of the reasons finding a GYN should be a top resolution on your list.

Get the latest info on things that affect your health as a woman.

Gynecologists receive consistent news about things that affect women’s health. For example, when there is new information about things that can increase the risk of ovarian cancer, doctors in the field are given information so they can effectively warn patients. By never going to a GYN, you will likely miss out on a lot of information that could affect your health.

Avoid risks associated with female diseases and illnesses.

As a female, there are naturally-occurring illnesses and diseases that you will need to be monitored for. By getting regular checkups with a GYN, you are automatically lowering your risks of developing these diseases and not knowing. Things like pap tests, breast exams, and general observation can help catch signs of things like cervical cancer, endometriosis, and breast cancer.

Keep your reproductive system in good health.

If you’ve not had children, but someday plan to, seeing a GYN regularly is the best way to make sure there is nothing going on that would affect your fertility down the road. Even if you have already had children, the health of your reproductive system plays a giant role in your overall health as a female.

Make it your priority this new year by finding a GYN and keep your health in check. Reach out to us at Avant Gynecology to make an appointment. 

Avant Gynecology serves patients at two locations: Piedmont Hospital in Buckhead and Northside Hospital. Our mission at Avant Gynecology is to provide exceptional, compassionate care to women at every stage of their lives. Our providers strive to be at the forefront of knowledge and skill in the fields of women’s health and gynecologic surgery, so our patients can get the best care possible. Avant provides state-of-the-art surgery services and comprehensive gynecologic care, such as annual exams, diagnostic and screening tests; a full range of contraceptive options; specialized services such as bio-identical hormone therapy, hormone pellets, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation, and more.