Tag Archive for: physical health

The systemic discrimination facing Black women and men in the United States is nothing new but with the recent Black Lives Matter movement, these issues have come into the spotlight. Unfortunately, the specific ways they affect Black women in the healthcare space is still not widely understood or even discussed by many.

Here, we will unpack some of the statistics around the lack of healthcare access for Black women, specifically when it comes to OBGYN care, and what we can do to combat this issue.

Important Statistics on Healthcare Access for Black Women

How Do We Address This Issue?

If you’re as alarmed as we are by those statistics and the lack of support for Black women in healthcare, here are some ways you can help:

  • Educate Yourself: Continue the fight for equality by educating yourself on issues like this. Become aware of statistics, read the stories of Black women in these situations, and recognize that this will be an ongoing process of self-education.
  • Support Organizations: There are several organizations out there trying their best to help resolve the issues described above. One great example is the Black Women’s Health Imperative, whose mission it is to “lead the effort to solve the most pressing health issues that affect Black women and girls in the U.S. Through investments in evidence-based strategies, we deliver bold new programs and advocate health-promoting policies.” Read more about the health inequalities on Black women, sign petitions, and donate straight to these organizations that are making a strong impact

At Avant Gynecology, we pride ourselves on being a safe space for all women. Schedule an appointment with one of our women’s health experts by clicking here or by giving us a call at 404-352-2850.

At Avant Gynecology, we are committed to ensuring you are healthy, no matter your age. That being said, age plays a major role in which health issues you face. That’s why we’ve developed a blog series focusing on the different phases of a woman’s life and the health concerns she might encounter.

We started off discussing the most common health issues women face in their 20s, as well as their 30s. Now, we’re discussing the most common health issues women face in their 40s.

Common Health Problems You Might Face in Your 40s

Now more than ever, scheduling regular appointments with your doctors is vital for remaining as healthy as possible. If you’re in this age group, keep that in mind as you continue to read about these common issues. 

  • Deteriorating Vision: Annual eye exams are often one yearly check up people don’t take as seriously as others. However, when you’re a woman in your 40s, your vision may not be as good as it once was. Many women this age commonly report reaching for reading glasses or experiencing common eye issues, such as dry eye, that never appeared before. So, if it’s been a while since you visited your eye doctor, it’s time to schedule that appointment. 
  • Increased Risk for Cancers and Other Major Health Issues: Unfortunately, as women continue to age, their risk for many serious diseases increases. Examples of this include colon cancer, breast cancer, diabetes, and skin cancer. With all of these issues, prevention and early detection are vital. That’s why it’s important to stay on top of regular screenings and ask your primary care doctor if you should be considering any new health screenings due to your age.
  • Unintended Pregnancy: While the dangers of unprotected sex might be more advertized towards younger generations, having an accidental pregnancy or catching STDs is still very likely to happen to women in their 40s. If you’re not hoping to make any additions to your family, be mindful and intentional about the birth control methods you use. Speak with your primary care doctor or gynecologist about what option might be best for you. 
  • Changes in Bone Density: When you grow older, your body slowly begins to change and deteriorate. This is especially true for your bones during this age. That’s why ensuring you spend time getting plenty of Vitamin D, taking extra supplements to help fill in what has disappeared, and exercising regularly is essential for keeping your bones happy and healthy. Doing so will lead to fewer health issues down the road. 
  • Shifts in Lifestyle Habits: You’re not as young as you once were, and, while that may not be impacting much right now, you may notice subtle shifts in your lifestyle habits. For example, maybe you’re not as sexually active as you once were. Or maybe you don’t workout as much or eat as healthily as you did before. Keeping track of how things are changing for youand if you enjoy those changesis extremely important. If you want to have more intimate time with your partner, you might consider going to sexual therapy. Or, if your BMI is going past what you’re comfortable with, it might be time to find a new favorite exercise. Either way, staying vigilant to your habits is key to remaining happy and healthy. 

It’s important to note that this list is just a starting point for ensuring you’re as healthy as possible in this phase of life. Develop a close relationship with your general practitioner and/or gynecologist to ensure you’ve set up a wellness plan that’s right for you.

If you’re in need of guidance on the most common health issues women face in their 40s, reach out to the experts at Avant Gynecology by clicking here or by giving us a call at 404-352-2850.

At Avant Gynecology, we are committed to ensuring you are healthy, no matter your age. That being said, age plays a major role in which health issues you face. That’s why we’ve developed a blog series focusing on the different phases of a woman’s life and the health concerns they might encounter.

To start, we’re diving into the most common health issues women face in their 20s. If you are currently of that age or know someone who is, keep reading below.

Common Health Problems You Might Face in Your 20’s

The key to being a healthy 20-something? Be proactive about your health! This is the best time in your life to be prepared and to set yourself up for success in the future by making wise decisions today.

  • Melanoma and Skin Cancer: Especially if you spent your childhood running around outside and soaking up the sun, melanoma is a huge risk you need to watch out for in your 20s. Start setting up yearly skin checks with your dermatologist to keep an eye on spots that could be melanoma. Additionally, do monthly checks on your own. Look for changing moles or weird spots on your skin. Plus, protect yourself now by applying sunscreen every day.
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Statistics show that those in their 20’s are most at risk of getting STIs. In fact, one in two sexually active people will catch one before they’re 25. If you are sexually active, you need to plan for regular visits to your gynecologist to test for STIs, including having a pap smear. In addition, practice safe sex by using condoms if you are unsure if your partner has been tested themselves.
  • Diabetes: If you spend your 20’s not eating healthy and not exercising, then you are putting yourself at major risk for developing diabetes. This chronic disease would absolutely change your life, so do your best to set up healthy habits now. Eat more lean protein, fruits and veggies, and whole grains versus processed food or red meat. Exercise regularly. If you’re just starting out, find a sport or activity that you enjoy that keeps you active. That could be dancing, hiking, swimming, or more. Whatever you do, make sure it gets you up on your feet and moving.
  • Mental Health Issues: While many people think being in your 20’s is one of the best times of your life, it can also be one of the most stressful and mentally challenging. Because of this, anxiety and depression are an extremely common illness many people in their 20s face. If you are already experiencing mental health issues, know you’re not alone and there are ways to help. Talk with your general practitioner about what you’re feeling to see if a referral to a psychologist or psychiatrist is right for you.

It’s important to note that this list is just a starting point for ensuring you’re as healthy as possible in this phase of life. Develop a close relationship with your general practitioner and/or gynecologist to ensure you’ve set up a wellness plan that’s right for you. If you’re in need of guidance on common health issues women face in their 20s, reach out to the experts at Avant Gynecology by clicking here or by giving us a call at 404-352-2850.

Whether you’re watching yet another TV ad about vitamins or walking down the pharmacy aisle at the grocery store, the vitamin options these days seem countless and never-ending. With such an excess of options, it can be difficult to decipher if vitamins are actually beneficial, and, if so, which ones are best for you?

We’re here to cut through the noise! Read below to hear from the experts at Avant Gynecology on this important topic.

Want to Take Vitamins? Here are the Best Options

While it’s recommended to try your best to get all of the needed nutrients from your diet, it can sometimes be impossible to do so while balancing work, family, social life, hobbies, and healthy living. Fill your plate with fresh fruits and veggies, proteins, and grains and you won’t have a need for vitamins. But if you know that just doesn’t happen as much as you’d like, here are some of the best vitamins to reach for.

  • NatureMade Multi For Her: If you know you’re struggling to get in your needed iron and calcium, this is a fantastic option to help.
  • Alive! Women’s Gummy Vitamins: Be careful when choosing gummy vitamins. Many have unnecessary sugar and food coloring added. This option, however, does not have those additives, and also has a boost of many necessary nutrients.
  • One a Day Women’s Formula: A simple and easy way to get all of those nutrients you may be missing out on.
  • Core Daily-1 Multivitamins for Women 50+: If you’re looking for vitamins and you’re further along in age, this is a fantastic way to get what you may be missing in your diet. This brand focuses on jamming their tablets with the necessary items that can boost an elderly person’s body and their digestive tract, such as calcium and vitamin B12.
  • mykind Organics Vitamins: Hoping to find a totally organic option? This brand is perfect for you! They offer generic once-daily options as well as prenatal-specific vitamins as well.

What You Should Get From Your Vitamins

Still not sure what you need to focus on when it comes to vitamins? Here’s an easy guide of the nutrients most people do not get enough of in their daily diet.

  • Calcium
  • Vitamin D
  • Iron
  • Folate
  • Magnesium
  • Omega-3 fatty acids often found in fish oil
  • Vitamin B12

Have any more questions about the best vitamins for women? Often the most beneficial first step you can take is going over your diet and lifestyle with your physician, who can then recommend the most useful vitamin options for you. Reach out to the experts at Avant Gynecology by clicking here or by giving us a call at 404-352-2850.

When you think about the coldest season of the year, staying active this winter may not be the first thing that pops into your brain. You’re more likely to think about things like steaming soups, mugs of hot chocolate, and bundling up by the fire.

But working out is especially important during the wintertime. Not only does it help relieve stress—a common thing to encounter during the busy holiday season—but it also keeps you focused on your fitness goals. You won’t slip back into old habits or regress in your health goals like so many other people do during this season.

So, strap on your hat, stick your hands in some gloves, and get ready to enjoy working out in the cold. Here are the best ways to staying active during the winter.

Get Outside

One of the most challenging parts about staying active during the winter is the low temps. However, as long as the weather isn’t extremely low, you should still take the time to bundle up and spend some time outside. That might mean keeping up your daily walks during the workday, taking a quick jog around the block, or visiting your local park with your family.

Whatever you can do, do it. Both your mind and body will thank you!

Find an Online Exercise Class

Online workout classes are fantastic for many reasons.

  1. They’re awesome for fitting exercise into your busy schedule, which is significantly harder during this season due to the shorter days and countless holiday to-dos.
  2. Exploring online options opens up a world of possibilities to find the specific types of classes that are harder to track down in physical gyms.
  3. These types of courses are often much cheaper than their in-person counterparts. Who couldn’t stand to save some money around the holiday season?

Grab an Accountability Partner for Staying Active This Winter

If you know you’re struggling to keep up your exercise regimen during the cold winter months, reach for a friend or loved one to help kick you into gear. There’s no motivation better than having an accountability partner to cheer on all your successes, help pick you back up during your setbacks, or to let you know you’re not alone during this difficult, cold period.

Spend Your Weekends Wisely

If you work a traditional 9-to-5 job, having the time and motivation to hit the gym after work when it’s already starting to get dark may be impossible. That’s where the weekends come in! Make plans to do something physical AND fun each weekend. That might mean a family hike, find a festive holiday activity (ice skating, Christmas light hunting, etc.) to enjoy, or even just a long morning walk around your neighborhood.

No matter what you choose, focus on getting outside and being active during your winter weekends.

If you have any more questions or concerns about keeping yourself healthy during the winter season, feel free to reach out to the experts at Avant Gynecology. Our physicians would be happy to assist you in discussing all elements of your health and figuring out the next best steps for you and your body. Click here to schedule an appointment with us, or give us a call at 404-352-2850.