What Is Cervical Cancer and How You Can Prevent It
Avant GynecologyWhile January is nationally slated as Cervical Health Awareness Month, this serious disease was once “the leading cause of cancer death for women in the United States,” and still affects thousands of women annually. It’s why we believe…

The Importance of Getting Your Annual Pap Smear
Avant GynecologyAnnual gynecological exams are an important part of preventive wellness for women, giving you the opportunity to discuss any health changes or evolving needs with our practitioners. During these yearly visits, you’ll also receive a Pap smear,…

The Health Impacts of Sexual Assault
Avant GynecologyDefined by the United States Department of Justice as “any nonconsensual sexual act proscribed by Federal, tribal, or State law, including when the victim lacks capacity to consent,” sexual assault affects millions of Americans each year.…

Dr. Durrett and Dr. Mora Return to “The Weekly Check-Up” on WSB Radio
Avant GynecologyOn Sunday, October 3, 2021, Avant Gynecology's Drs. Lynley Durrett and Obiamaka Mora returned as guests on The Weekly Check-Up on News/Talk WSB Radio.
During the show, Drs. Durret and Mora spoke about several women's health topics with…

How to Track Your Period and Why It’s Important
Avant GynecologyWe know your menstrual cycle can be both a blessing and a curse — sometimes literally. Pliny the Elder once said, for example, that the living things that come in contact with periods are poisoned! You may find yourself feeling the same, as…

The Importance of Getting a Mammogram
Avant GynecologyOctober is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which means you’re probably already seeing pink ribbons everywhere — reminding us how important it is to get regular mammograms for breast cancer screening.
Most medical professionals advise…