Menopause 101: Facts Every Woman Should Know

Happy Mature Caucasian Woman Flexing Biceps, wondering about menopause.

In technical terms, menopause is the stage in life when a woman will stop menstruating, which sounds simple enough. However, simply waking up one day and no longer having your monthly period is not how menopause works. Your body goes through a process because of the changes in your hormone levels, which means you can experience a full list of symptoms along with changes in your menstrual cycle.

Who Does Menopause Affect?

As a woman grows older, the reproductive hormones that cause menstruation and ovulation naturally decline. Therefore, menopause basically marks the end of the reproductive period in a woman’s life. This tends to occur for most women in their 40s or 50s, but early menopause for some women can begin before the age of 40 and some women may not even reach menopause until they are in their mid to late 50s.

Does Menopause Affect All Women the Same?

All women can have unique experiences with menopause because every woman’s body is unique. The age of the onset of menopause can be different, as well as the type of symptoms and the severity symptoms are experienced. For example, some women may have issues with things like vaginal dryness and hot flashes, while others will not experience these symptoms but will feel moody and emotional.

How Should Women Approach Dealing with Menopause?

Every woman’s first line of defense in combating the symptoms of menopause is to maintain an open line of communication with their gynecologist. Your gynecologist can help you understand what your body is going through and treat deficits in vital hormones to help alleviate your symptoms. Reach out to Avant Gynecology for an appointment if you believe you are experiencing menopausal symptoms.

Avant Gynecology serves patients at two locations: Piedmont Hospital in Buckhead and Northside Hospital. Our mission at Avant Gynecology is to provide exceptional, compassionate care to women at every stage of their lives. Our providers strive to be at the forefront of knowledge and skill in the fields of women’s health and gynecologic surgery, so our patients can get the best care possible. Avant provides state-of-the-art surgery services and comprehensive gynecologic care, such as annual exams, diagnostic and screening tests; a full range of contraceptive options; specialized services such as bio-identical hormone therapy, hormone pellets, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation, and more.