Minor Surgery Post Operation Instructions
Eat lightly the night after your procedure. If you are not nauseated you may return to your normal diet the next day. Avoid carbonated drinks for 2-3 days, as they can make your gas pains worse. You may take an over the counter medication for gas or constipation. You may not be very hungry for a few days. Keep well hydrated, as this will minimize nausea. If you have constipation, use Colace or Dulcolax.
No driving for 48 hours. No heavy exercise for 48 hours. No intercourse for 1 week. Return to other activities as tolerated. It is okay to shower or bathe when you like. Get extra rest the first few days following surgery. You may ride in a car when you feel ready.
Wound Care:
It is normal to have some light bleeding or spotting for 1-2 weeks or dark-colored discharge. Laparoscopic incisions may be sore and slightly firm to touch. Bandages can be removed after 48 hours. Call if your wounds are red or draining. Wash with soap and water.
Medications will be given to you, usually at your pre-op visit by your doctor. If you do not need a prescription, you can take over-the-counter pain medication such as Advil or Tylenol. If you feel you need a refill, please call during office hours. Pain medication may not be refilled by theon-call doctor. You may resume all other medications the evening of your surgery, once you can eat.
Follow up as directed by your physician, usually in about 3 weeks.
Your expected return to work should be _________________. If you are not doing well enough for this please contact our office to be seen for further evaluation.
We Wish You A Speedy Recovery!!
****** Call if you are experiencing excessive pain, nausea, vomiting, a temperature higher than 101 degrees, difficulty urinating, or incision drainage.******